Clear Seeing of the Real You

Realize your True Nature Here and Now

Monday, September 1, 2008

I am neither the body nor the mind

A few weeks ago, I wrote on the issue of Subject-Object relationship and how this can clarify the reality of who one really, really is. For example, when one says "my car", it implies that the "my" is the subject or the knower and the car is the object or known. In the same way, when one says "my chair or my desk", it is obvious that the "my" is the subject (let us call it "I") and the chair or the desk is the object (let us call it "not-I"). How about when one says "me body"? The "my" is the "I" and the body is the object "not-I". The same with "my mind", the "my" is the subject "I" and the mind is the object "not-I". It is obvious that "I" knows this body and also know the mind, the thoughts, the feelings of sadness or happiness, the emotions of anger etc. Therefore, the body, the mind, the thoughts, emotions, feelings are the known , the objects( not-I), which are known to this Subject "I". If the mind and body are not me, then who and where is the subject "I"?

Is it not obvious that this "I" which is the same nameless, shapeless, formless, undescribable, universal "I" , has been mistakenly identified with the body-mind apparatus to give rise to the false concept called "me"? What is obviously nameless and formless and unlimited, has been falsely assumed to have a name(Robert or whatever) and form( the body) and therefore limited. Is it not obvious that the Real I, has been modified by the mind to create a false"I" identified with the body and mind? As noted above, the body and mind are "not-I". All that is needed is an earnest desire to know the true nature of one's own self and the riddle is solved. It is indeed very simple and yet very difficult for many because of the very prolonged conditioning of the mind which is responsible for the false identity. When the mind is dormant as in deep dreamless sleep, where is the question of an identity with the body? Just enquire into " who am I' or "where did I come from?" and discover the true identity. It will literally blow "you" away! That is Liberation, the absence of an entity to be liberated.