Clear Seeing of the Real You

Realize your True Nature Here and Now

Friday, September 5, 2008

Awareness and its contents

What I am is pure Awareness. I will use the word Awareness or Presence-Awareness as it reduces the conceptualization to a large extent and makes understanding easier. Since my True Nature is beyond conceptualization, there is no way for it to be described in words.

Let us take another analogy here. There is space all around. In this room where this computer sits are multiple other objects including furniture items, lamps, books and other objects. All of these objects are contents of space. Remove the objects and the space is unaffected and unchanged. The space in the room is no different than the space outside the room, right? Space is space and cannot be given a name or form.

In the same way, there is Awareness and contents of Awareness. Ponder over this carefully. All the objects that one is aware of are contents of the awareness. I am aware of the body and the mind, and therefore it is a content of awareness and not awareness itself. Whatever, I am aware of cannot be me, since it is the content of awareness. I cannot say I am aware of awareness, since that would objectify the "awareness" (i.e. make it the content of awareness) and cannot be the awareness. Therefore I am simply Awareness- That which has no attributes of its own.

From the above discussion, is it not true that the "seeker" has been identifying (mistakenly) with the objects of Awareness, rather than abiding as the Awareness!