Clear Seeing of the Real You

Realize your True Nature Here and Now

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Are You Ready to Lose Yourself?

Right now you are immersed in your identity with this body and mind. Based on years of conditioning of the mind, you have established yourself to be the body and the mind.  A body with a name. You believe yourself to be an entity, a body-mind entity with a name.  The name could be John, Josh, Arjun, Akbar or whatever else your parents told you. On asking about who you are, you have no hesitation in pointing to this body and saying "this is who I am".  You look at yourself in the mirror and take pride in saying " my body". Yet, you have never given careful thought about your own TRUE IDENTITY. If inquired into, you will realize that you are neither this body nor this mind. But, before you come to this realization, you may have abundant questions. Questions about non-duality, about why the world is like this or that, about religion, about various rituals and religious practices, or about which practice or sadhana you must follow in order to attain this Realization. Questions, questions and more questions.  Never ending questions. Why? Only to add to your already existing base of knowledge.  Often, armed with this added knowledge you may want to impress your friends and show them how spiritually advanced you have become. By throwing this jargon of words around, you no doubt impress some people.  But all along you very well know within yourself that all of this is just a facade. You are still trapped with the strong conviction of being this body and mind and the story that comes along with it. All this knowledge from the wrongly directed questions will have only resulted in the strengthening of your identity of a form with a name, you ego.

If you happen to be in such a situation, do not get dejected. It is an all too common scenario and you just have to look around in the world of spirituality to see how many people fall into this situation. The main question you must ask yourself at this stage is whether you are really, really willing to get to the bottom of this quest or is this quest just to boost your ego and self worth. If you are really, really willing to get to the bottom of this quest for knowing your True Identity, in that case you must be willing to lose everything that you have gained so far.  You must be willing to plunge yourself whole heartedly into this venture. You must be ready to lose yourself completely. You must be willing to give up your current identity and surrender it at the feet of the Guru. You must be completely humble and not take credit for anything or any action. When you have thus left the load of your identity and the suffering associated with this identity to be carried by the Guru, you immediately become free. All problems and suffering is directly associated with an identity to the body and mind. You suffer only because of problems related to the body or thoughts (the mind is nothing but a bundle of thoughts).

Now, if you do not identify yourself with the body or the mind, what questions can you have? All questions arise only when you identity with form and a name.  No identity of form and name = no questions = silence or absence of thoughts.  This thought-less state is the state of Just Being.

You are truly formless and without any identity but you are suffering only because you have falsely taken upon yourself this identity with the body and the mind(thoughts).  Don't waste any more time in acquiring more outside knowledge. All the knowledge you want is within your own self.  Just inquire as to who you really, really are.  That is all that is needed.