Clear Seeing of the Real You

Realize your True Nature Here and Now

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Nobody, Somebody and Everybody

To begin with you are a nobody, a no-body. This nobody gave rise to the feeling of being somebody or rather this body. Actually, it is the nobody getting confused and thinking it is somebody.  With the notion of being a somebody,  this same nobody which was the essence of peace and bliss, started suffering. Because the notion of being somebody meant being separate from other bodies, it started feeling insecure and vulnerable. As a somebody, it felt alienated in this world of other bodies, which it assumed are not itself since they appear to be separate from this body. This somebody became the embodiment of suffering. This somebody started searching for an answer, an answer to the end of suffering. Thereby started the search and this somebody became a seeker.

At some point in time, this somebody was told by a Guru (who also appeared to be somebody but was established as a no-body) that the True Nature of this somebody was actually nobody.  "All along, you have been nobody but you have falsely believed yourself to be somebody and hence you have been suffering", were the words of the Guru. This somebody started meditating on what the Guru had told. In a fraction of a second, suddenly and without any effort on part of anybody, this somebody suddenly Realized that actually everybody is nobody and just because they think they are somebody, they feel that they are independent and separate from other bodies and hence the suffering.  As soon as somebody Realizes that they are nobody, then the suffering stops, and the seeking stops, for the seeker is the sought. 

It becomes clear to this somebody, that there is nothing to be sought and all that is necessary to put an end to this suffering is to establish the false identity of this somebody. Everybody arises from and subsides into nobody.  Therefore, nobody is the source of everybody. Nobody is also the source of everything since one has to be somebody to perceive the world of things as objects. 

Just SEE that you are no-body and stop pretending to be some-body.

(Maybe this clarification will help some readers. No-body = Consciousness. Some-body= Ego or Jeeva or body-mind entity called "me". Every-body= all Jeevas.)