Clear Seeing of the Real You

Realize your True Nature Here and Now

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Abiding as That

Self Realization is actually simple and easy especially when compared to the difficulty in abiding as the Self (That). All Realized Gurus will emphasize the importance of abiding in the Knowledge of Being That (the Absolute). Having read, or listened to the teaching of an Advaita Guru, one finds that if the intuitive sense is let free to explore, then the words and sounds of the Guru infiltrate deep into one's Heart and one will definitely realize at some point, the True Nature of one's self. Yet, having deeply understood the meaning of the Guru's words and teachings, many a seeker will be left unsatisfied. There could be many reasons for this but let us explore a few.

The main obstacle to abidance in one's True Self,  is the fact that one has persistent identification with the mind-body apparatus. This is because of the constant need to have an identity in this world to function. Everyone in society has an identity, a name based on identification with this human body. Even cats and dogs are given names to identify whom you are talking about. Therefore, a name and form are an essential element of communication in this world that we live in. Then comes the realization that you are actually neither this name nor this form, thanks  to the teachings of your Guru.  You may ask "Now what?".  Or you may say, " How do I respond when someone calls me by the name with which I have associated for so long?".  As mentioned before by this author, life goes on just the same with or without self realization. There is no need for a dichotomy or a dual personality here. You are what you have always been.  Remember that the realization is essentially the removal of the false to reveal the Truth.  This is where worship and constant remembrance of the Guru is absolutely essential.  With every thought and action, if the Guru is invoked, one continues to gradually dissociate from the very idea of being this body-mind apparatus. Yes, even when you function in this society, you can do so without being attached to the actions or the rewards.

It is not for nothing that the ancient sages have repeatedly warned that the path of Self Realization is like walking on a razor's edge. It is easy to fall off the path and into this illusory world. Such is the power of Maya.  Only the constant thought of the Guru can keep one balanced on the razor's edge.