Why are you reading this? The answer is "You" want something, am I correct? Well, before "you" proceed any further, the warning is that "you" will get nothing from reading this blog or for that matter any other book, blog, audio, video, related to the notion or concept of what "you" are looking for ( call it Advaita or Non-dualism etc.). This is because "you" are approaching this as an individual. Remember an individual can never ever come to know the Reality/ Truth/ Brahman or whatever else one may call THAT. Why is that? Quite obviously, because the individual is nothing but an appearance, a phenomenal object. An appearance can never know the Subject to whom it appears.
The problem with the seeker is that the seeker has been led to believe that Reality or Brahman is something that can be objectified. He/she has read or has been told that there is something or entity or state which is better or more blissful than the one that he or she is experiencing. The descriptions of this may vary and include a state of permanent bliss, emptiness, immutable, eternal, spaceless, timeless etc. All of these descriptions( or pointers) are obviously attempts to convey to the reader/seeker in the form of concepts what is really beyond conceptualization. Again, the seeker cannot but understand at the level of the mind anything that is not in the form of concepts. All concepts are based on the two pillars of space and time. Without space and time, no concept is possible. Therefore, the seeker is perplexed and confused why he/she cannot understand or attain this Knowledge. He/she has come to believe that with effort any knowledge is attainable. Then why not this Knowledge? By itself, all knowledge and understanding at the level of the mind is in the form of concepts. Therefore, what is beyond conceptualization, beyond time and space, and therefore beyond the mind, can NEVER be understood. Even logically, what is timeless cannot be essentially attained by any entity in a period of time. The thinking that one day sometime in the future, "I will attain Self-Realization", itself is a ludicrous and self defeating thought. The thought that this unbearable suffering bondage of an individual, will in some distant future (or hopefully not so distant future), be released or liberated is a myth. Is not true that an "appearance"(the phenomenal object called individual) thinking it is in "bondage" hopes to attain "liberation"? But, it is this very mis-conception, that results in the constant search. The "seeker" hopes to change this fictitious entity ( body-mind) into something better by attaining this Knowledge. Perhaps, the "seeker" hopes to emulate the sages that he/she has heard so much about in the various books and scriptures. So, the fictitious "seeker" who is in fictitious "bondage" seeks fictitious "liberation" by trying to change this fictitious entity (body-mind) or even better "go beyond" this body-mind entity!!
One day, the fictitious "seeker" realizes that the "seeker" is a fictitious entity, a concept, a character in a fictitious story and may actually laugh out loud at his/her foolishness in not realizing that the "seeker" itself is the sought and there is actually no need to seek for any one.