The experience is what the seeker hopes will give him/her realization of the Truth. Unfortunately, this myth has been perpetuated by misinterpretation of the teachings of the ancient texts on Advaita. Strange as it may seem, only one who has Realized can truly understand the message of these ancient texts without misinterpretation. While the purpose of these texts or teachings is to point a seeker towards the Truth of who they are, the paradox is that the real meaning cannot be grasped until the seeker Realizes the Truth.
Most seekers are chasing experiences throughout their spiritual journey. They have been told or somehow come to the conclusion that Self Realization is some sort of everlasting ecstatic experience where once and for all the world as it is ceases to exist. This cannot be farther from the truth of it. One must realize that all experiences have a beginning and must therefore have an end. What begins and ends cannot be the Truth for the Truth is eternal and that implies no beginning and no end. After the so called ecstatic experience ends, the experiencer, which in this case is the seeker, goes back to the same mundane state or field of mundane experiences and ends up being disappointed. Remember, what comes and goes is not Real. Then what is Real? Obviously, any experience cannot be real for all experiences must have a beginning.
The object of experience can exist only if there is an experiencer. There must be experiencing for there to be an experienced. There must be experiencing for there to be an experiencer. The only common factor is experiencing. One must focus the mind on the experiencer. As soon as the experiencer is realized to be a false entity, the object of experience disappears and all that remains is experiencing. Experiencing is always in the present. It is always here and now. There is no experiencer or experienced, only experiencing. Experiencing is the manifestation of Consciousness and is only in the realm of Consciousness. Being is experiencing, without an experiencer or experienced.
So, would you still chase experiences knowing that it is a futile effort? Stop it, right here and now. Just BE.