It is all a matter of what reference point one uses. The entire issue of suffering is based on the reference point of a separate "me'. Based on that reference point of a "me", there is immediately the assumption of a "you", a "him" , "her", "them" or "that" ( all of these being 'not me'). There has to be a first person, for there to be a second person and a third person. This separation of a "me" from the world out there results in insecurity and vulnerability. This "me" searches for wholeness or completeness which will be the answer to his/her insecurity or vulnerability. This search continues throughout his/her life in the varied field of objects out there. Some gather more materials and objects in the hope that having more may make them more secure and less vulnerable. They may not necessarily acknowledge or know that they are actually feeling insecure or vulnerable. But their actions are based on the basic innate feeling of insecurity and fear which in return is caused by the feeling of separation from the rest of the world and universe. There is a transient feeling of happiness on possession of a desired material object or any other object including persons or pets. Yes, only transient! How often have you heard people say " this feels like heaven"! However, the novelty wears off pretty soon and what was once very satisfying becomes not so satisfying or mundane. Soon thereafter, the mind starts looking for other objects that will give it excitement. The reason that there is transient contentment is because when there is possession of a desired object, there is transient forgetfulness of this "me", a loss of separation and hence a sense of completeness ensues. This loss of separation or feeling of completeness translates as a feeling of happiness.
Others, pursue a spiritual approach, hoping that gathering more "spiritual knowledge" or doing certain "spiritual deeds" will make them whole and complete. One feels content or happy when engrossed in the spiritual activity. Why? The contentment is again because of the transient forgetfulness of the "separate me" while engrossed in that spiritual activity whatever it may be- whether it is meditation, chanting, or prayer. However, despite all such measures there is still no lasting sense of wholeness or feeling of completion. People spend years, if not decades, doing various spiritual activities or materialistic pursuits and many get frustrated and dejected because of the failure to achieve what they had set out to do- which is to get a lasting feeling of wholeness or completeness. A feeling of unqualified contentment or peace of mind.
When it is pointed out that what they have been looking for is already available right here and right now, the conditioned mind refuses to accept it. The mind counters "How can it be so simple or how can it be so clear and obvious? Why don't I get it?". The mind counters "I am not stupid or foolish to be doing all this for so long if it was so simple". Many refuse to accept the Truth despite several clear pointers, because of their vested interest in maintaining the facade of a "me". They somehow do not want to let go of this "me" with all its worldly attachments and embrace this presence or Awareness which is who they are, whether they like it or not. But, despite all the objections from the mind, if one sincerely investigates one's true nature, it becomes abundantly clear that there is nothing apart from the Awareness that one already is. All that is needed is sincere and earnest desire to know who you really, really are.
When one assumes the Awareness as the reference point from which one witnesses everything, no further questions arise. Abiding as the Awareness is all that one, who has fully investigated , needs to do. From the reference point of Awareness, can you point out a center for yourself? Is the Awareness anywhere in the body in particular? Is it anywhere out there in particular? If you say you are aware, does not the other person also say the same? Is not the Awareness therefore present everywhere at the same time ( omnipresent)? Where is the question of separation if you as Awareness are every-thing? Can Awareness be described in words? Being a no-thing in particular, is it not every-thing? What other proof do you need for Awareness, other than the fact that you are currently aware, that you currently exist?
Can you really speak from a reference point of an entity that has no existence whatsoever apart from Consciousness?