All suffering is caused by the belief in a self-center. The belief in the independent existence of a "me", who has substance and volitional control on the body, mind and senses. A belief is defined as 'confidence in the truth or existence of something not immediately susceptible to rigorous proof'. With investigation, by none other than the entity that believes in its own independent existence, it can be proven that the "me" does not exist apart from the Consciousness or Awareness. Having thus convinced oneself that there is actually no "me" with independence or substance apart from the Consciousness, the floor literally drops off below the self-center. Although, the self-center cannot be localized anywhere and one comes up empty-handed so to say, there is still the awareness that one exists. So, it is clear that in the absence of a self-center or a "me", you still ARE. That Awareness is who you truly are.
The question naturally for most seekers is how can one function in a world if the "me" does not exist. If one investigates thoroughly, it is obvious and clear that the "me" has no existence apart from the Consciousness. In the wakeful state, the "me' arises simultaneously with the world. In the deep dreamless state, there is no "me" and no world of objects either. In the dream state, there is a different "me" with a different kind of world. Of course, if one calls a sage(jnani) by his or her name, he or she does respond. It only means that the sage is fully aware of the false nature of this "me" and does not assume the do-ership of the "me". Functioning happens spontaneously. Life becomes effortless for one who has given up the "me" as a false entity with no independent existence or substance apart from the Consciousness.