Clear Seeing of the Real You

Realize your True Nature Here and Now

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Identifying the false Subject called "me"

Today, let me talk about the false subject called "me". Let me give some basic fundamentals. All perception of the outside world occurs through the senses, which must be interpreted by the mind before they can be cognized. Cognition itself is not possible without consciousness. Therefore, all perception is but an appearance in consciousness. What an average person considers as "real" is anything that is perceptible through the senses of vision, touch, taste, hearing etc.. The body is perceptible and is considered as "real". But, as discussed above it is the mind that must interpret the perceptible object before it can be perceived and mind itself cannot be( or exist) without consciousness. Therefore can the body be anything apart from an appearance in consciousness and can it be called "real"?

Going further, let us analyze this further. Investigation into the nature of "I" could be done by a logical process of looking at what is the subject-object relationship. For instance, you see a table from where you are sitting. The table is the object and you are the subject. Let us call the table the "not-I"( the object) and you are the "I" (the subject). If the object is removed the subject still remains. If the table is removed you (the "I") are still there. In this vein, at this very moment can you see and know the existence of your body? Of course, yes. You know you have a body. In that case, you are the "I" and the body is the "not-I"( the object). In the same way, you know your mind, you know your thoughts, you know your feelings etc. You ("I") are the subject and the mind, thoughts, feelings are the "not-I" (the objects). Therefore you ( the "I") are neither the body nor the mind or any of the other emotions. If you say there is another "I" (subject) that knows the "I" then you are objectifying the subject "I". Therefore the Subject "I" can never be subject to objectification. It is clear that the "I" can never be known but one can only be it. There can be only One Subject and that is the "I". The "I" is the same in all of us.

Then why do we consider ourselves as different individuals? All objects are cognized in consciousness and this includes the body-mind entity. You know you are. You know you exist. The consciousness is the cognizer. Everything is an object that is cognized by the consciousness. The cognizer-object ( that is the body-mind entity) falsely thinks of itself as the Cognizer and falsely perceives all others as cognized-objects and therefore different and apart from it. In reality, however, the cognizer-object and the cognized-objects are both objects in consciousness. It is this false identity with the cognizer-object ( the "me") that results in suffering. Once, this is clearly apperceived essentially by "no-one", the false identity (the "me") falls away effortlessly. All that you really are is the non-conceptual Awareness, which is your true identity.