Clear Seeing of the Real You

Realize your True Nature Here and Now

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Anchor the Mind to Its Source

The mind is both the source of joy and sorrow. Since the seeker associates himself or herself to be an entity with a mind, the entity goes up and down with the mind. Hence, the feeling of being happy or sad. This problem of ups and downs is the reason most seek out an answer.  Everyone wants to be only happy and who would not? There are two ways to go about figuring out how to get out of this mess.  The best way is to disregard the mind and investigate the entity ("me"). The other way is to investigate the mind itself and realize its nature, its functioning and source.

A lot of spiritual practices will encourage one to control the mind.  Mind is nothing but a bundle of thoughts.  It is not an objective entity. One who has tried to control the mind will be able to testify how difficult this can be.  Instead, would it not be a lot easier if the seeking entity (called "me") SEES the falseness of itself and disengages from the activities of the mind?  If one can come around to doing Self-Inquiry (vichara), there is no better solution than that. However, this article is for those of us for whom Self-Inquiry is not feasible or easily understood. Perhaps for some, purifying the mind may be the first step towards greater and eventual goals like knowing one's own True Nature.

It is peace of mind which the seeker wants and is that not what most of us want?  How can one get peace of mind?  Common experience tells you that the more you try to control it the more it rebels.  Meditation is certainly a temporary solution. If peace of mind, even temporary, is what you want, then meditation is not a bad answer. But what kind of meditation?

When one keeps oneself engaged in thoughts, the thoughts multiply. One gets lost in more and more thoughts.  The thoughts lead one away from one's own self.  However, if the mind can be turned around and gently focused on the source from where the thoughts arise, then the thoughts gradually lose their energy and subside into their source.  Do not try to stop the thoughts. Just watch where they come from and be the silent witness of the thoughts.  Do not get carried away into the thoughts.  Always bring your attention back to the source of the thoughts. Anchoring the mind to its source brings about peace almost immediately. One falls into the state of thoughtlessness, which is your Natural State.  Repeated practice of this simple meditation of bringing one's attention to the source of the thoughts will take one deeper into further insights of one's own True Nature.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Despicable Me

Most will read this blog and other such material on Advaita and wonder "what does it have which will benefit me?". Well, before you begin to read any further, let it be clear that there is nothing here that will benefit you. In fact, be warned that the more you read and digest what is being said here, the more likely is it that it will result in you losing all that you valued so far. The one thing that most people value is their identity with the body and mind- the "me".  Just try insulting someone and you will get an immediate taste of what is being pointed to! Or how about if someone insults you.

As a result of the belief of being the body, one caters to the body and become a slave of the desires of the body. They become a slave to the demands of the mind.  As is obvious, the mind can be a dominating and ruthless master. The "me" that is being pointed to here is the identity of being an individual. One may call it the ego, if they wish.

This individual identity is the well established feeling of being this body and this mind. Since early childhood, this has been ingrained into one's psyche by family, school and society. So strong is this individual identity that despite being convinced that one is neither the body nor the mind, the identity still persists for almost all but the very rare few.  The three pillars of faith, devotion and surrender to the Guru are absolutely essential, in the opinion of this author, to dispel this idea of being the body and the mind i.e. an individual.  Without the three pillars of faith, devotion and surrender to the Guru, this despicable "me" is not willing to give up the battle.

By constant inquiry into the nature of one's own self (vichara) and with the support of the three pillars, the despicable "me" will eventually subside.  With the subsidence of the "me", one is in one's own Natural State which is beyond any description but always available to all. It is just a matter of seeing the false as false. The "me" is a false entity and should simply be recognized as such.  Otherwise, this despicable "me" will make one dance to its tune. Hopefully the one reading this is that rare one to realize the false as false.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

For God's Sake

The message that is published in this blog is nothing new. The same message has been dished out by thousands, if not millions, of mystics and ordinary people from all around the globe over the past many many centuries. This is not a message restricted to a few cultures, religions or race or geographical location.  The message has come out spontaneously in all who have made the simple effort to look within. It may have been spoken in many different languages but the language of love for God is the same.  Just so that one does not get the impression that Advaita is from the East, this author has selected some poems and brief excerpts from the Western mystics who have spoken the same message of Non-duality or Advaita.  For those of us who have an unquenchable thirst to know God and be in union with God, these simple and succinct messages will hit the message home.  These are not messages from  individuals. These are messages from Consciousness as there is nothing apart from Consciousness.

This is just a small sampling of some of the poems and brief messages out there. The earnest seeker will understand the simplicity and bluntness of these messages.


God, whose love and joy
are present everywhere,
can't come to visit you
unless you aren't there.

          --Angelus Silesius


God is a pure no-thing
concealed in the now and here:
the less you reach for him,
the more he will appear.

       --Angelus Silesius


Love flows from God into man,
Like a bird
Who rivers the air
Without moving her wings.
Thus we move in His world
One in body and soul,
Though outwardly separate in form.
As the Source strikes the note,
Humanity sings--
The Holy Spirit is our harpist,
And all the stings
Which are touched in Love
Must sound.

       -- Mechtild of Magdeburg


Creation forgotten,
Creator only known,
Attention turned inward
In love with the Beloved alone.

      --Saint John of the Cross


Unsophisticated teachers say that God is pure being.
He is as high above being as the highest angel is above a gnat.
I would be speaking as incorrectly in calling God a being,
as if I called the sun pale or black.
God is neither this nor that.

          --Meister Eckhart


And therefore I am unborn, and
in the manner in which I am unborn
I can never die.

In my birth all things were
and I was the cause of myself
and of all things; and
if I would have wished it,
I would not be nor would all other things be.
And if I did not exist,
"God" would also not exist.
That God is "God",
of that I am a cause;
if I did not exist, God too
would not be "God".
There is no need
to understand

          --Meister Eckhart       


You who want
seek the Oneness

There you
will find
the clean mirror
already waiting.

        --Hadewijch II

Monday, April 2, 2012

Mind In, Mind Out

The mind, which is nothing but a bundle of thoughts, is the window to perceive the world outside. But, the mind is not what perceives the world. It is only a window.  The one who perceives the world is behind the window, so to speak. The consciousness "I am" is the cause for the perception of the world. No consciousness, no world.  Simple.

When the mind is focused or turned outwards, it perceives the world of objects. In fact, objectification is through the mind only. The sense organs are the conduit for the mind to objectify the world outside. The mind creates the false identity of being a person, a "me".  A false entity that believes itself to be the 'seer', the subject. Because of the belief in this false entity, one goes about thinking that it is "me" who is actually perceiving, seeing, hearing, thinking, talking, etc. Now, you may notice the word 'thinking' is in italics. That is because the false subject "me" is nothing but a thought. No thoughts, no "me". Yet, despite the absence of a "me", the perceiving goes on none the less. Only, there is no one (no "me") claiming to do the perceiving. This is obvious proof that the "me" is NOT the one who is doing the perceiving.  The world appears to be, only as long as the mind is turned outward i.e. towards the sense objects.

To know who you really, really are, it is essential to turn the mind inwards. In this case, the mind is turned away from the sense objects to the source of the mind itself. The easiest way to do so is Self-Inquiry. On asking the question "Who am I?", the mind subsides into its source. The source is consciousness. When the mind is turned inwards, there is no mind left. Only consciousness prevails. The mind has submerged itself into its source, i.e. consciousness.  There is just this Being, being Itself. Just being is bliss.

The path to bliss is simple. Just turn the mind inward to its Source.