Clear Seeing of the Real You

Realize your True Nature Here and Now

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Pride- The Biggest Obstacle

For years and months you may have been struggling to find the answer that has been so elusive. But, when it happens, it happens in a flash. In a fraction of a second, it all becomes clear. The whole story becomes obvious. You Realize that the one searching is the one sought.  It is after all an epiphany that occurs to most of the seekers.  There is no doubt that for quite some time thereafter, there are a multitude of emotions that pass through the mind. One may cry or one may laugh for even small occurrences.  One realizes how simple it all is and yet so elusive.

The big problem is that the ego is not going to surrender that easily.  It has vested a lot a in maintaining its portrayal of being real.  The ego has over the years become a behemoth. It will not go down as easily as that, just because it became clear in an instant that it is totally, totally false. The ego is now ready for a final fight. A fight for its own survival. It will do all it can to make sure that the sense of "I am this body and mind" survives despite the Blessings and Grace of the Guru.  All of you readers have read about the many stories of battles between the good and the evil.  In the various ancient mythological stories and up to the modern times, these stories are all pervasive.  Now the story is all too familiar as it is being fought, right here at home.

The ego makes one feel like " I am a Realized Person".  The ego makes one say " I know something that you (poor ignorant fellow) don't yet know".  The ego makes one feel like " I can help the mass of suffering humanity".  In many a case, the ego is slowly but surely winning ground.  This is most evident in the fact that the one who is Realized begins to slowly fall into this trap. In fact, the trap is so slippery that the fall is all the way to the bottom.  All that has been achieved is lost so easily, to the ego, to the sense of pride in the "me".   The ego ( the "I-thought") behaves in a manner that makes one feel superior to the ignorant others. How can all these people be so ignorant- you begin to say to yourself.  There is a look of bewilderment in those who cannot follow what you say but can feel that there is some element of truth in what you are saying. Some may even begin to call you a 'guru'.  There may be adulation from the ignorant masses. Slowly but surely, one begins to fall in the trap of the "name associated with the form", which is none other than the ego, this 'me'. The once beaten down "small me" becomes a BIG ME.  After all, this "me" is now Realized, Enlightened.  "I am now the ONE"- you are convinced.  Pity the poor ignorant people who just cannot "get it"- you begin to think to yourself.  It is all too common to see many a guru who falls into the trap of the ego, enjoying all the adulation, enjoying all the very traps of wealth and fame which they ask their followers to despise and discard.

There  is no bigger obstacle than PRIDE.  Pride in the sense of achievement is the biggest obstacle to True Realization. So, how does one go about avoiding or battling this pride - which is none other than the ego masquerading as pride? This where the Guru comes into the picture.  The Grace of the Guru should never be forgotten.   One should unblinkingly think of the Guru at all times. One must never, ever, feel that they have achieved anything in life. All achievement is the Grace of the Guru. One must be totally, totally convinced that "I have never done anything ever".  All that is, is the Grace of the Guru.  Again, and again,  it is exhorted here, that TOTAL SURRENDER is a must. One must surrender completely to the Guru. As soon as the ego raises its head up, and it will do so many many times, it must be decapitated.  Give up all sense of pride in being an individual. Remember, there are no individuals. There is only Consciousness and all belongs to Consciousness.