This is a story that this author recently came across and wanted to share with you all. It goes as follows:
An atheist Professor of Philosophy speaks to his class on the problem science has with God, The Almighty.
He asks one of his new students to stand and.....
Prof: So you believe in God?
Student: Absolutely, sir.
Prof: Is God good?
Student: Sure.
Prof: Is God all-powerful?
Studen: Yes.
Prof: My brother died of cancer even though he prayed to God to heal him. Most of us would attempt to help others who are ill. But God didn't. How is this God good then? Hmm?
(Student is silent.)
Prof :You can't answer, can you? Let's start again, young fella. Is God good?
Prof: Is Satan good?
Student: No.
Prof: Where does Satan come from?
Student: From...God.. .
Prof: That's right. Tell me son, is there evil in this world?
Prof: Evil is everywhere, isn't it? And God did make everything. Correct?
Student: Yes.
Prof: So who created evil?
(Student does not answer.)
Prof: Is there sickness? Immorality? Hatred? Ugliness? All these terrible things exist in the world, don't they?
Student: Yes, sir.
Prof: So, who created them?
(Student has no answer.)
Prof: Science says you have 5 senses you use to identify and observe the world around you. Tell me, son...Have you ever seen God?
Student: No, sir.
Prof: Tell us if you have ever heard your God?
Student: No, sir.
Prof: Have you ever felt your God, tasted your God, smelt your God? Have you ever had any sensory perception of God for that matter?
Student: No, sir. I'm afraid I haven't.
Prof: Yet you still believe in Him?
Prof: According to empirical, testable, demonstrable protocol, science says your GOD doesn't exist. What do you say to that, son?
Student: Nothing. I only have my faith.
Prof: Yes. Faith. And that is the problem science has.
Student: Professor, is there such a thing as heat?
Prof: Yes.
Student: And is there such a thing as cold?
Prof: Yes.
Student: No sir. There isn't.
(The lecture theatre becomes very quiet with this turn of events.)
Student: Sir, you can have lots of heat, even more heat, superheat, mega heat, white heat, a little heat or no heat. But we don't have anything called cold. We can hit 458 degrees below zero which is no heat, but we can't go any further after that. There is no such thing as cold . Cold is only a word we use to describe the absence of heat. We cannot measure cold. Heat is energy. Cold is not the opposite of heat, sir, just the absence of it.
(There is pin-drop silence in the lecture theatre.)
Student: What about darkness, Professor? Is there such a thing as darkness?
Prof: Yes. What is night if there isn't darkness?
Student :You're wrong again, sir. Darkness is the absence of something. You can have low light, normal light, bright light, flashing light....But if you have no light constantly, you have nothing and it's called darkness, isn't it? In reality, darkness isn't. If it were you would be able to make darkness darker, wouldn't you?
Prof: So what is the point you are making, young man?
Student: Sir, my point is that your philosophical premise is flawed.
Prof: Flawed? Can you explain how?
Student: Sir, you are working on the premise of duality. You argue there is life and then there is death, a good God and a bad God. You are viewing the concept of God as something finite, something we can measure. Sir, science can't even explain a thought. It uses electricity and magnetism, but has never seen, much less fully understood either one. To view death as the opposite of life is to be ignorant
of the fact that death cannot exist as a substantive thing. Death is not the opposite of life: just the absence of it. Now tell me, Professor. Do you teach your students that they evolved from a
Prof: If you are referring to the natural evolutionary process, yes, of course, I do.
Student: Have you ever observed evolution with your own eyes, sir?
(The Professor shakes his head with a smile, beginning to realize where the
argument is going.)
Student: Since no one has ever observed the process of evolution at work and cannot even prove that this process is an on-going endeavor, are you not teaching your opinion, sir? Are you not a scientist but a preacher?
(The class is in an uproar by now.)
Student: Is there anyone in the class who has ever seen the Professor's brain?
(The class breaks out into laughter.)
Student: Is there anyone here who has ever heard the Professor's brain, felt it, touched or smelt it? No one appears to have done so. So, according to the established rules of empirical, stable, demonstrable protocol, science says that you have no brain, sir. With all due respect, sir, how do we then trust your lectures, sir?
(The room is silent.. The professor stares at the student, his face
unfathomable. )
Prof: I guess you'll have to take them on faith, son.
Student: That is it, sir... The link between man and God is FAITH. That is all that keeps things moving & alive.
This is a true story, and the student was none other than.........Swami Vivekananda.
Clear Seeing of the Real You
Realize your True Nature Here and Now
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Sunday, February 13, 2011
The Search is in the Mind
There are two questions that must be answered before the Ultimate Knowledge dawns on anyone. One, who is the one seeking the Knowledge (the seeker)? The second question is, where is the search going on? These two questions form the essence of all inquiry. In fact, once these questions are answered, then there are no further questions to be answered for the one who is the questioner dissolves or disappears, so to speak.
Let us look at the first question. Who exactly is the seeker? The seeker (the 'me' or the ego) is essentially only a thought. But, when confronted with the above declaration, the seeker refuses to accept it quoting all kinds of objections. It is because the ego fears to be discovered as a false entity. So much has been invested in this false sense of being an entity, that the very questioning of its existence makes the ego fight back with all its might. However, the fact is that when the ego (the seeker) is confronted with the question of its validity, the ego vanishes like a ghost.
You, the reader, obviously think that you are the body sitting in front of the computer and reading this material. But, are you really the body? Have you ever asked this question in sincerity? Most probably not. For most people, reading Advaitic literature is a form of entertainment. To some this is just something interesting. To others, this is something strange, something different from the mundane literature out there. The average reader looks at it as a philosophy, and not as a means of liberation, which is what it really is.
So, getting back to the question, who exactly is cognizing right now? Can the body which is made up of elements see and comprehend i.e. cognize? Can water and minerals, which is what the body is made up of, read or cognize? So, you say " my mind is cognizing". So, who is the "my"? Obviously, someone apart from the mind since the mind is employed or owned by this "me". Can you please verify the exact location of this "me"? Cannot find it, eh? In the absence of this "me", who is reading, seeing, cognizing? And what exactly is the mind other than a bundle of thoughts? Can there be a mind/ thought in the absence of consciousness? In consciousness, the mind, which is nothing but a bundle of thoughts, appears. The primary thought is the thought "I am". This thought establishes the concept of an individual called "me". This primary concept is the basis for all other thoughts and concepts. But on close inspection and inquiry, this "me" is but a thought. Now, can a thought actually see, read, cognize? So what is happening is that cognizing is happening in consciousness, and along comes the "I-thought" which then claims to be the one doing the cognizing. In reality, the "I" is only re-congizing. So, the seeker is actually just a thought of being an individual, who believes that he/she is doing everything. But, in reality, all is happening in consciousness. There is no actual do-er. Thoughts cannot see, cognize, or do. Thoughts are transient and fleeting and have no permanency.
The second question is also easy to answer. Do you ask any questions in deep dreamless sleep? No way, you say. Is it not true that in deep dreamless sleep, there are no thoughts including the thought of 'I', no world, no worries, no questions? In the state of waking, along with the appearance of the mind, arise various questions such as "who am I?", "why is this world so miserable and unjust?", " I don't like this or that", or "why am I not getting enlightenment?". In deep dreamless sleep, can you deny your existence? You exist for sure but without any questions or seeking. So, it is only with the appearance of the mind, that the whole search for your self began. Till then you were actually quite happy! No kidding. Who can deny that they are not happy in the state of deep dreamless sleep? In fact, you wake up and say "I slept happily"!! Therefore, the search and the seeker are in the mind. The REAL YOU is neither the mind nor the body, nor the seeker. Just BE.
Let us look at the first question. Who exactly is the seeker? The seeker (the 'me' or the ego) is essentially only a thought. But, when confronted with the above declaration, the seeker refuses to accept it quoting all kinds of objections. It is because the ego fears to be discovered as a false entity. So much has been invested in this false sense of being an entity, that the very questioning of its existence makes the ego fight back with all its might. However, the fact is that when the ego (the seeker) is confronted with the question of its validity, the ego vanishes like a ghost.
You, the reader, obviously think that you are the body sitting in front of the computer and reading this material. But, are you really the body? Have you ever asked this question in sincerity? Most probably not. For most people, reading Advaitic literature is a form of entertainment. To some this is just something interesting. To others, this is something strange, something different from the mundane literature out there. The average reader looks at it as a philosophy, and not as a means of liberation, which is what it really is.
So, getting back to the question, who exactly is cognizing right now? Can the body which is made up of elements see and comprehend i.e. cognize? Can water and minerals, which is what the body is made up of, read or cognize? So, you say " my mind is cognizing". So, who is the "my"? Obviously, someone apart from the mind since the mind is employed or owned by this "me". Can you please verify the exact location of this "me"? Cannot find it, eh? In the absence of this "me", who is reading, seeing, cognizing? And what exactly is the mind other than a bundle of thoughts? Can there be a mind/ thought in the absence of consciousness? In consciousness, the mind, which is nothing but a bundle of thoughts, appears. The primary thought is the thought "I am". This thought establishes the concept of an individual called "me". This primary concept is the basis for all other thoughts and concepts. But on close inspection and inquiry, this "me" is but a thought. Now, can a thought actually see, read, cognize? So what is happening is that cognizing is happening in consciousness, and along comes the "I-thought" which then claims to be the one doing the cognizing. In reality, the "I" is only re-congizing. So, the seeker is actually just a thought of being an individual, who believes that he/she is doing everything. But, in reality, all is happening in consciousness. There is no actual do-er. Thoughts cannot see, cognize, or do. Thoughts are transient and fleeting and have no permanency.
The second question is also easy to answer. Do you ask any questions in deep dreamless sleep? No way, you say. Is it not true that in deep dreamless sleep, there are no thoughts including the thought of 'I', no world, no worries, no questions? In the state of waking, along with the appearance of the mind, arise various questions such as "who am I?", "why is this world so miserable and unjust?", " I don't like this or that", or "why am I not getting enlightenment?". In deep dreamless sleep, can you deny your existence? You exist for sure but without any questions or seeking. So, it is only with the appearance of the mind, that the whole search for your self began. Till then you were actually quite happy! No kidding. Who can deny that they are not happy in the state of deep dreamless sleep? In fact, you wake up and say "I slept happily"!! Therefore, the search and the seeker are in the mind. The REAL YOU is neither the mind nor the body, nor the seeker. Just BE.
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Transcending Consciousness- Part 2 (Simple Analogy)
It is suggested that you read Part 1 of this article before reading this part. As is evident after reading part 1, that this can all be quite confusing to the ordinary mind that is conditioned to create a concept out of every bit of knowledge. What is being pointed to in Advaita literature is beyond the reach of the mind as the mind is a content of THAT and there is no way one can describe THAT with the mind. It is similar to one being unable to see their own eyes without a mirror. The reflection in the mirror is not your real eye, but the reflection definitely gives you an idea of how your eyes appear to others when they see your eyes. The pointers are all meant to give you an idea of what Reality is, but nothing beyond that. One has to leave the mental concepts behind and let intuitive process take over. Let us see if there is some analogy that will make the discussion of the Absolute and consciousness easy. Remember this is just an analogy and cannot obviously be taken at face value.
Let us take the example of the computer. Right now you are in front of one of the computer monitors, it is assumed. The computer runs on electricity or electrical power. The computer can be compared to the physical body. The computer memory or the hard drive is the brain. It stores previous memories and also is able to display the knowledge based on its previous memory (education or knowledge put in) through the computer screen or monitor (similar to your organs of speech etc.). The electricity can be compared to consciousness, which is required for the computer to function. The computer can display its knowledge through the monitor or the speakers only if there is electricity (consciousness). Therefore, the consciousness is the power that makes this physical body function. When the computer is in the sleep mode, there is no sound coming from the speakers and nothing seen on the monitor. The knowledge or memory is still intact in the computer and it can easily be woken up on the touch of a key. In the same way, when the physical body is asleep, the knowledge cannot be displayed as the organs of speech and action are all asleep at the same time. The consciousness is however latent in the body for on waking up all these organs function to allow the body to display its knowledge. If the electricity (consciousness) is completely cut off, there is no way the computer (the physical body) can function. The computer can no longer display its knowledge, whether through sound or the monitor. Although, the memory chips and the hard drive are still in the computer, it cannot function. The computer is said to be "dead". Just like the physical body which is unable to function without consciousness and is called "dead". Now, what are the memory chips and the hard drive made up of? Are they not made of silicon and metal and other inert material? Just like the physical body which is made up of water, carbon, oxygen, etc., all inert materials? So, it becomes clear that it is the consciousness (electricity) that is the basis of functioning of the inert material of the physical body or in the case of this analogy, the computer. So, who has the knowledge? The inert material of the computer or the electricity (consciousness)? Is it not clear that all knowledge is in the realm of consciousness, including the knowledge of being a 'me'? Don't get excited as yet!!
Now, the electricity itself has to come from somewhere, isn't it? THAT which creates electricity is the source of electricity. In the same way, THAT as the Absolute, is the source of consciousness. Or to put it more precisely, the consciousness is a reflection of the Absolute. Of course, the flaw in this analogy would be the fact that electricity comes from coal, or nuclear material, or hydro (water) and therefore cannot be a perfect analogy as such. However, if you can somehow accept the fact that water or coal or uranium by itself is inert and there is some force or energy that is released from these materials to create electricity, then the analogy seems more acceptable. Okay? So, everything is essentially energy (or contains energy like the coal etc.) and it is just the energy that is able to make everything function. However, if you actually look for energy, it is not something tangible and has no shape (roopam) or form. It is not something that can be described other than saying that it is some force that makes things happen or move or function. THAT (the Absolute) is not concerned about what is being done with the electricity (consciousness) or for that matter how the functioning is taking place. While all the functioning is taking place in consciousness, the Absolute is not affected by the functioning in any way. YOU ARE THE ABSOLUTE!
At this time, the one thing you are absolutely sure of, is the fact that you are conscious. You did not do anything to be conscious, did you? It arose spontaneously. Is there any way for a 'me' to attain or go prior to or beyond consciousness? Can a 'me' actually transcend consciousness? If so, who is this 'me' that wants to do so? Can there be a thought of a 'me' or 'I' without consciousness? Does this not make it clear that this whole process of transcending consciousness is actually a game played in the mind, by the mind and for the mind ( a 'me'). In reality, there is no entity called 'me' that can transcend consciousness for the 'me' is nothing but a subsequent product of consciousness. It is similar to a shadow wanting to get behind the object that created it in the first place! So, what do you want to do?
Let us take the example of the computer. Right now you are in front of one of the computer monitors, it is assumed. The computer runs on electricity or electrical power. The computer can be compared to the physical body. The computer memory or the hard drive is the brain. It stores previous memories and also is able to display the knowledge based on its previous memory (education or knowledge put in) through the computer screen or monitor (similar to your organs of speech etc.). The electricity can be compared to consciousness, which is required for the computer to function. The computer can display its knowledge through the monitor or the speakers only if there is electricity (consciousness). Therefore, the consciousness is the power that makes this physical body function. When the computer is in the sleep mode, there is no sound coming from the speakers and nothing seen on the monitor. The knowledge or memory is still intact in the computer and it can easily be woken up on the touch of a key. In the same way, when the physical body is asleep, the knowledge cannot be displayed as the organs of speech and action are all asleep at the same time. The consciousness is however latent in the body for on waking up all these organs function to allow the body to display its knowledge. If the electricity (consciousness) is completely cut off, there is no way the computer (the physical body) can function. The computer can no longer display its knowledge, whether through sound or the monitor. Although, the memory chips and the hard drive are still in the computer, it cannot function. The computer is said to be "dead". Just like the physical body which is unable to function without consciousness and is called "dead". Now, what are the memory chips and the hard drive made up of? Are they not made of silicon and metal and other inert material? Just like the physical body which is made up of water, carbon, oxygen, etc., all inert materials? So, it becomes clear that it is the consciousness (electricity) that is the basis of functioning of the inert material of the physical body or in the case of this analogy, the computer. So, who has the knowledge? The inert material of the computer or the electricity (consciousness)? Is it not clear that all knowledge is in the realm of consciousness, including the knowledge of being a 'me'? Don't get excited as yet!!
Now, the electricity itself has to come from somewhere, isn't it? THAT which creates electricity is the source of electricity. In the same way, THAT as the Absolute, is the source of consciousness. Or to put it more precisely, the consciousness is a reflection of the Absolute. Of course, the flaw in this analogy would be the fact that electricity comes from coal, or nuclear material, or hydro (water) and therefore cannot be a perfect analogy as such. However, if you can somehow accept the fact that water or coal or uranium by itself is inert and there is some force or energy that is released from these materials to create electricity, then the analogy seems more acceptable. Okay? So, everything is essentially energy (or contains energy like the coal etc.) and it is just the energy that is able to make everything function. However, if you actually look for energy, it is not something tangible and has no shape (roopam) or form. It is not something that can be described other than saying that it is some force that makes things happen or move or function. THAT (the Absolute) is not concerned about what is being done with the electricity (consciousness) or for that matter how the functioning is taking place. While all the functioning is taking place in consciousness, the Absolute is not affected by the functioning in any way. YOU ARE THE ABSOLUTE!
At this time, the one thing you are absolutely sure of, is the fact that you are conscious. You did not do anything to be conscious, did you? It arose spontaneously. Is there any way for a 'me' to attain or go prior to or beyond consciousness? Can a 'me' actually transcend consciousness? If so, who is this 'me' that wants to do so? Can there be a thought of a 'me' or 'I' without consciousness? Does this not make it clear that this whole process of transcending consciousness is actually a game played in the mind, by the mind and for the mind ( a 'me'). In reality, there is no entity called 'me' that can transcend consciousness for the 'me' is nothing but a subsequent product of consciousness. It is similar to a shadow wanting to get behind the object that created it in the first place! So, what do you want to do?
Transcending consciousness
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Transcending Consciousness-Part 1
The consciousness is your friend, as well as paradoxically, your enemy if you do not transcend it. It is doorway to the Absolute (the Parabrahman- para meaning prior to or beyond). Right now the only connection you have to the Absolute is the consciousness. This consciousness is the source of all manifestation. As long as the physical body is nourished, the consciousness will continue to function through that body. When the body "dies", the consciousness merges with the universal consciousness and the body which is made up of the elements merges with the elements (water, air, earth, etc.). This consciousness is the source of the thought "I am". With this knowledge that you are (the knowingness- I am) you are able to say " I have knowledge". Based on this basic or primary knowledge that you exist, you are able to build all other mental concepts. And on these concepts, you want to build yet another concept of the Absolute or Parabrahman or whatever else you want to label THAT. However, you have ignored the primary concept of the knowledge that you are and instead have been chasing useless concepts. This Knowledge (that I am) has no name (namam) or form (roopam). Being formless and abstract, you have ignored this primary knowledge or knowingness or consciousness. This message 'I am' (consciousness) is the gateway or the door to the Absolute. The consciousness is your friend as hanging on to it will lead you to its source, which is the Absolute. The Absolute is beyond any words or mental concepts. Therefore, all that you can know is only in the realm of consciousness. Realize that!
Everything that is consumed or exhausted is unreal- meaning, not permanent. While consciousness is a reflection of the Absolute, it is unreal in the sense that it can manifest only through a body. If the body is not maintained and nourished, then the consciousness can no longer function through it. Since this body will eventually be exhausted, the consciousness itself is not going to last forever. But, it is all that is available to you. It is the source of all knowledge.
Therefore, after knowing the consciousness, one must not stop there and realize that the REAL YOU are PRIOR TO CONSCIOUSNESS. Many a seeker will stop at the level of consciousness and assume that the manifestation is real. Being grounded in consciousness, one is falsely led to believe that the world and the universe is real. Therefore, the statement that "the consciousness can be your enemy". To be in one's True State, one must discard even this consciousness as unreal and transcend it.
Once one fully understands the nature of consciousness, it is imperative to realize that you are not just the consciousness. The consciousness is the gateway or the doorway to the Absolute. You are at the boundary between consciousness and no-consciousness. Leaving consciousness behind, one is in the Natural State or the Absolute. You are THAT which is prior to consciousness. Having said that, consciousness is all that you have to express any kind of knowledge. Even this writing is because of consciousness and in consciousness. And because of consciousness, it is being read and comprehended by consciousness itself. In fact, all of this is happening in consciousness. There is no one (no entity) doing anything. Therefore, everything is consciousness. The content of consciousness is consciousness.
You are the KNOWER OF CONSCIOUSNESS. Since the Absolute is beyond any words, only pointers can be used to describe your True Nature, which is the Absolute. The word THAT is only a pointer to your Natural or True State.
Everything that is consumed or exhausted is unreal- meaning, not permanent. While consciousness is a reflection of the Absolute, it is unreal in the sense that it can manifest only through a body. If the body is not maintained and nourished, then the consciousness can no longer function through it. Since this body will eventually be exhausted, the consciousness itself is not going to last forever. But, it is all that is available to you. It is the source of all knowledge.
Therefore, after knowing the consciousness, one must not stop there and realize that the REAL YOU are PRIOR TO CONSCIOUSNESS. Many a seeker will stop at the level of consciousness and assume that the manifestation is real. Being grounded in consciousness, one is falsely led to believe that the world and the universe is real. Therefore, the statement that "the consciousness can be your enemy". To be in one's True State, one must discard even this consciousness as unreal and transcend it.
Once one fully understands the nature of consciousness, it is imperative to realize that you are not just the consciousness. The consciousness is the gateway or the doorway to the Absolute. You are at the boundary between consciousness and no-consciousness. Leaving consciousness behind, one is in the Natural State or the Absolute. You are THAT which is prior to consciousness. Having said that, consciousness is all that you have to express any kind of knowledge. Even this writing is because of consciousness and in consciousness. And because of consciousness, it is being read and comprehended by consciousness itself. In fact, all of this is happening in consciousness. There is no one (no entity) doing anything. Therefore, everything is consciousness. The content of consciousness is consciousness.
You are the KNOWER OF CONSCIOUSNESS. Since the Absolute is beyond any words, only pointers can be used to describe your True Nature, which is the Absolute. The word THAT is only a pointer to your Natural or True State.
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
"Who am I?" is Not a Mantra
Seeker: You say that I am the consciousness and not the body. Should I keep repeating "I am the consciousness" or should I keep saying to myself " Who am I"?
Advaitin: There are many paths to the essentially path-less Truth. If you have complete and earnest faith in the sayings of the Guru, then nothing else need be done other than accepting his/her sayings. With this acceptance comes automatic surrender of the ego. With the surrender of the ego, the Truth shines forth spontaneously. Do not forget that the Truth is self-shining and always present. It is only the ignorance of the ego-mind that hides or covers up the obvious Truth. Once the ego has surrendered completely and wholly to the Guru, then nothing else need be done. The Grace takes over from where the seeker has full faith in the teachings of the Guru.
However, many a seeker will not be satisfied with the above methodology. The ego being so heavily conditioned over the years, a lot of questions and doubts keep popping up in the mind. For such a seeker, self inquiry is the only way to sort out the false from the Truth. One can only know objectively the false. You can only know what you are not. The Truth is known only as an intuitive knowledge. Questioning "who am I" is not a mantra to be repeated endlessly. It is a process of elimination of the false- the elimination of what you are not! Once, all the false has been eliminated, the Truth is laid bare. It is like removing the contamination from cloudy water and immediately the reflection of your self is visible in the pure water. Once the mind has been cleared of all impurities (the false identifications and false concepts), the Truth/ Self shines in it spontaneously. Once the Knowledge is clearly apperceived, where is the need to go on investigating? Once the culprit is found, the police does not keep the investigation open, does it? You know you are a man or a woman. Do you keep repeating to yourself, " I am a man" or "I am a woman"? So, where is the question of repeating " I am the consciousness" to yourself? Such repetition is nothing but another form of mental conditioning. It defeats the whole purpose which is to destroy mental conditioning and mental concepts. Yes, an apparent process of continued self- investigation must be continued until firm conviction of the nature of the Self is established and the realization of one's True Nature is firm.
In the absence of any concepts, you ARE. Stay as you ARE.
Advaitin: There are many paths to the essentially path-less Truth. If you have complete and earnest faith in the sayings of the Guru, then nothing else need be done other than accepting his/her sayings. With this acceptance comes automatic surrender of the ego. With the surrender of the ego, the Truth shines forth spontaneously. Do not forget that the Truth is self-shining and always present. It is only the ignorance of the ego-mind that hides or covers up the obvious Truth. Once the ego has surrendered completely and wholly to the Guru, then nothing else need be done. The Grace takes over from where the seeker has full faith in the teachings of the Guru.
However, many a seeker will not be satisfied with the above methodology. The ego being so heavily conditioned over the years, a lot of questions and doubts keep popping up in the mind. For such a seeker, self inquiry is the only way to sort out the false from the Truth. One can only know objectively the false. You can only know what you are not. The Truth is known only as an intuitive knowledge. Questioning "who am I" is not a mantra to be repeated endlessly. It is a process of elimination of the false- the elimination of what you are not! Once, all the false has been eliminated, the Truth is laid bare. It is like removing the contamination from cloudy water and immediately the reflection of your self is visible in the pure water. Once the mind has been cleared of all impurities (the false identifications and false concepts), the Truth/ Self shines in it spontaneously. Once the Knowledge is clearly apperceived, where is the need to go on investigating? Once the culprit is found, the police does not keep the investigation open, does it? You know you are a man or a woman. Do you keep repeating to yourself, " I am a man" or "I am a woman"? So, where is the question of repeating " I am the consciousness" to yourself? Such repetition is nothing but another form of mental conditioning. It defeats the whole purpose which is to destroy mental conditioning and mental concepts. Yes, an apparent process of continued self- investigation must be continued until firm conviction of the nature of the Self is established and the realization of one's True Nature is firm.
In the absence of any concepts, you ARE. Stay as you ARE.
True Nature,
Who am I
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