For one to get to Understanding, one essentially has to give up the idea of being an entity, a 'me' with a name and form. Metaphorically speaking, one has to dismiss the concept of being a body-mind entity. The primary concept is the "thought-I am'. This primary concept of being an individual is the root of all other concepts. For, without an owner of thoughts, the thoughts cannot take hold. The thoughts will continue to appear but there is no one taking ownership of the thoughts. The thoughts then fall off just as they appear. While this may appear to be a process involving time and effort, in actuality and on the Understanding taking place, it becomes clear that there is no one ever owning thoughts (like 'my thoughts') and likewise no one ever giving up thoughts.
Thoughts appear and disappear in consciousness with no one ever making any effort to create or dismiss them. Think carefully over this. Do you, yes a 'you', do anything to think? Or, do thoughts appear spontaneously? If a 'you' could control thoughts, would you ever choose to have "bad thoughts"? Since thoughts precede actions, would you ever choose to do "bad things"? How many times have you looked back and said " I wish I had never said that" or " I wish I had never thought like that"? Would there ever be regrets if there was a 'you' who could control the thoughts before they appear? Is it not true that all 'your' suffering is due to 'your' ownership of the thoughts and the actions that follow? What if a 'you' inquires into the reality and existence of the 'you' and then see what happens thereafter? Do 'you' still need convincing about whose thoughts are these?