The author fully understands that there are many out there who do not comprehend what is being posted in this blog. Despite proclaiming to be a blog about the simplicity of seeing into your True Nature, there are many that do not just see it the way a small minority do. It might just be easier for some to not struggle to decipher the whole Truth (as there is really no 'one' to decipher it!!) and instead settle for what seems obvious to them. Remember, there is nothing to attain or gain in this entire venture. What many want is just some peace and stillness and what is wrong in asking for that? Remember, that the seeking is itself the source of suffering. Perhaps, for the struggling seeker, it may be better to stop seeking and be happy with some simple knowledge. The purpose of this article to cater to the many who are at this stage of seeking and the author hopes that reading further may be of help to them. As is commonly seen in many commercials, no guarantees are implied and individual results may vary!! The author has nothing to sell. So, what are you waiting for? Read on!
So, you see this so called 'unreal world' and 'illusory world' as real? You just cannot understand what these so called 'Non-dualists' or 'Advaitins' talk about all this 'illusory world being like a dream' etc.? Nothing wrong with that! You are not alone. The majority of the population, in fact a good 99.99% of the population does so! You are reading this so that you can have some peace, some stillness, and enjoy 'life' as it should be, correct? If not, then it is time for you to stop reading right now. If you already are an 'Awakened Non-dualist', then there is no reason for you to read this, correct?
Accepting that you are indeed a person, a person with a body and a mind, let us move on. What is needed is just a change in perspective, that is all at this stage. If you can just get this change in perspective, then you have achieved what you were struggling to achieve so far. Stop at that point and go no further. Relax into this simple understanding and let it settle in for good. When the desire to dig deeper arises in the future, do so.
Firstly, what are you missing right here and right now? What will make you complete? What will give you contentment, right now and right here? Do not just read these questions. Answer them and write it down with date and time stamp, if you will, please! Now, that you have an answer, let us go about figuring out how to satisfy that missing need or desire.
The answer in most cases is that "there is nothing missing right here and right now, but....". And then, there are a lot of thoughts after that 'but.....' and the list goes on and on. Hey, this author did not say that all needs will be satisfied, only that we will go about trying to figure out how to satisfy the needs. There is no end to the needs and wants of this body as long as there is a mind that can conjure up those needs and wants. The needs and wants are called desires. The primary desire is the desire to live. Without that desire, no other desire would exist, correct? Where did this love to be, the desire to be come from? Was it not spontaneous? If the primary desire to just BE was spontaneous, would not all other desires be spontaneous too? That means that 'Spontaneous' was responsible for the desires, not you! If 'you' were not responsible for these desires as they were spontaneous, then why are 'you' suffering especially since they cannot be fulfilled? Gotcha! Let the one who created the desires solve the problem. Since the desires arose spontaneously let them be fulfilled spontaneously. Again, Spontaneous will decide if these desires can be fulfilled or not.
No point dwelling over these thoughts and desires and suffering unnecessarily. This could include the desire to be Awakened. Leave it be. Just chill! You know by now that all your desires cannot be fulfilled or else everyone would be happy and all would be at peace in this world ( a desire of a lot of so called 'spiritualists' and 'spiritual teachers'). These 'spiritual teachers' create an illusion (an unreal utopia) of a world full of content and happy people,- if only the people would follow their teachings. However, despite several thousands of these spiritual teachers and Gurus over the past thousands of years, has there been permanent peace and lack of conflict in this world? Be honest. Knowing that there is really nothing that you can do to stop the thoughts and to fulfill the needs and desires arising from these thoughts, would a sensible 'you' still continue to try to do so? A sensible 'you' would just quit trying to control thoughts. In giving up, there is immediate sense of peace. In surrendering to the Unknown (Spontaneous), there is immediate peace to the 'you'. Let that Unknown creator of thoughts take care of fulfilling the needs of those thoughts (desires). Just surrender completely. Don't worry, things will be done and actions will go on. You will not become a lazy no-good person. Just stop pretending you are the one having the thoughts and taking care of the desires and needs. As soon as a thought arises, ask whose thought it is and where did it come from. Don't try to struggle with the thoughts. Let them arise and let them go. Just be the silent observer of these thoughts. On complete surrender to the Unknown, the actions will go on spontaneously, except there will be no 'you' struggling to do them.
For now, just be satisfied with this basic understanding and stop struggling or seeking any more. Good luck!! Questions or comment? Don't shy away! Go ahead and ask or write your comments.
Clear Seeing of the Real You
Realize your True Nature Here and Now
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Whose Thoughts are These?
For one to get to Understanding, one essentially has to give up the idea of being an entity, a 'me' with a name and form. Metaphorically speaking, one has to dismiss the concept of being a body-mind entity. The primary concept is the "thought-I am'. This primary concept of being an individual is the root of all other concepts. For, without an owner of thoughts, the thoughts cannot take hold. The thoughts will continue to appear but there is no one taking ownership of the thoughts. The thoughts then fall off just as they appear. While this may appear to be a process involving time and effort, in actuality and on the Understanding taking place, it becomes clear that there is no one ever owning thoughts (like 'my thoughts') and likewise no one ever giving up thoughts.
Thoughts appear and disappear in consciousness with no one ever making any effort to create or dismiss them. Think carefully over this. Do you, yes a 'you', do anything to think? Or, do thoughts appear spontaneously? If a 'you' could control thoughts, would you ever choose to have "bad thoughts"? Since thoughts precede actions, would you ever choose to do "bad things"? How many times have you looked back and said " I wish I had never said that" or " I wish I had never thought like that"? Would there ever be regrets if there was a 'you' who could control the thoughts before they appear? Is it not true that all 'your' suffering is due to 'your' ownership of the thoughts and the actions that follow? What if a 'you' inquires into the reality and existence of the 'you' and then see what happens thereafter? Do 'you' still need convincing about whose thoughts are these?
Thoughts appear and disappear in consciousness with no one ever making any effort to create or dismiss them. Think carefully over this. Do you, yes a 'you', do anything to think? Or, do thoughts appear spontaneously? If a 'you' could control thoughts, would you ever choose to have "bad thoughts"? Since thoughts precede actions, would you ever choose to do "bad things"? How many times have you looked back and said " I wish I had never said that" or " I wish I had never thought like that"? Would there ever be regrets if there was a 'you' who could control the thoughts before they appear? Is it not true that all 'your' suffering is due to 'your' ownership of the thoughts and the actions that follow? What if a 'you' inquires into the reality and existence of the 'you' and then see what happens thereafter? Do 'you' still need convincing about whose thoughts are these?
Thursday, April 15, 2010
No Action Required, Only Understanding
One major obstacle that keeps coming up in the seeker's mind is the nature of action that will eventually reveal this Knowledge to the seeker. This is perhaps one of the most misunderstood aspects of this path to Self Knowledge. Unfortunately, despite repeated hammering away at the fact that you are not the body nor the mind, the idea that you are an individual that actually does actions and thereby reaps the rewards of the action is hard to dispel for many a seeker.
Non-duality or Advaita is not a topic to be studied or memorized. It is not a play of words. On the other hand, it is purely intuitive knowledge. The words once listened to or read, will suddenly strike somewhere deep inside of you and the clarity of this teaching will become immediately evident. It also becomes clear that there is nothing actually done by anybody and there is actually no one to attain anything (including this Knowledge). What is evident is that what you are seeking, you already ARE. Then what is it that has happened? What actually happens is the realization that you are not an individual entity and all that is happening is happening in consciousness. No one has, can, or will ever DO anything. All happening is just a play in consciousness.
It is imperative that the seeker keep his/her mind constantly focused on where he/she came from. Obviously, the "I-thought" (or the ego) was not there in deep sleep and suddenly spontaneously it arose and thereafter the idea of an entity called "me" came with it. What cannot be denied is the fact that the one who is awake is also the one who was sleeping. There is no denying the fact that you existed in deep sleep and the one reading this article is the one who was sleeping last night. However, in deep sleep there was no "I-thought" or for that matter any thoughts. That means the "I-thought" is discontinuous and you are continuous ( for you know that you are the same one that existed in deep sleep as well as now). Anything that is discontinuous, or which appears and disappears is not real. What is continuous and always exists is the real. This 'you' that the author is pointing to is the Real You. No effort was needed by this entity called 'John or Ashok or Ali' to be Present through all the three states of deep sleep, dream and wakeful state. Also, this John/Ashok/Ali (or whatever name you want to give to the entity called 'me'), did not do any action to wake up. Wakefulness came spontaneously. In the same way, seeing is happening. Before any thought can arise, seeing is happening. However, a thought comes along and translates the natural happening of seeing into the thought "I see". The thought has divided this happening into a subject (I), the action (seeing) and an object (seen). This is the way the mind works. In the same way, Understanding happens spontaneously. There is no question of any entity called 'me' (which does not exist in any case) doing something to make understanding happen. In the same way there is no question of an entity claiming "I understand". There is just Understanding.
THAT Awareness is always present, irrespective of the supposed 'actions' of this entity called 'me'. Just think over this carefully. You are always aware and present.
What action are you doing to beat the heart, or to make the lungs move, or to digest the food, or to make the liver metabolize the food? Is this not happening spontaneously, right now? Yet is it not uncommon in terms of language to say "I am digesting my food"? This is because, the ego believes it IS the body. The ego gives rise to the idea that it is a Do-er of all actions. Hence the quest to 'do some action or practice' to get this Realization. The entity thinks that if he/she does some practice or ritual over some period of time, then "I will get Self Realization". All through, there is nothing but the Self and yet it is ignored.
Having said that, as long as the idea that you are the body/mind entity exists, the above statement that no action is required will not fly. This is almost like a 'catch 22' situation. Hence, the ancient sages insisted on first investigating the very existence of the ego. This is done by asking oneself the question "who am I?" or "where did I come from?". When looked for, the ego is like a ghost which just vanishes and yet functioning continues in the ego-less state. This ego-less state is your state of Pure Beingness or Pure Consciousness. Once there is this understanding, what is there is to be done and by whom?
Non-duality or Advaita is not a topic to be studied or memorized. It is not a play of words. On the other hand, it is purely intuitive knowledge. The words once listened to or read, will suddenly strike somewhere deep inside of you and the clarity of this teaching will become immediately evident. It also becomes clear that there is nothing actually done by anybody and there is actually no one to attain anything (including this Knowledge). What is evident is that what you are seeking, you already ARE. Then what is it that has happened? What actually happens is the realization that you are not an individual entity and all that is happening is happening in consciousness. No one has, can, or will ever DO anything. All happening is just a play in consciousness.
It is imperative that the seeker keep his/her mind constantly focused on where he/she came from. Obviously, the "I-thought" (or the ego) was not there in deep sleep and suddenly spontaneously it arose and thereafter the idea of an entity called "me" came with it. What cannot be denied is the fact that the one who is awake is also the one who was sleeping. There is no denying the fact that you existed in deep sleep and the one reading this article is the one who was sleeping last night. However, in deep sleep there was no "I-thought" or for that matter any thoughts. That means the "I-thought" is discontinuous and you are continuous ( for you know that you are the same one that existed in deep sleep as well as now). Anything that is discontinuous, or which appears and disappears is not real. What is continuous and always exists is the real. This 'you' that the author is pointing to is the Real You. No effort was needed by this entity called 'John or Ashok or Ali' to be Present through all the three states of deep sleep, dream and wakeful state. Also, this John/Ashok/Ali (or whatever name you want to give to the entity called 'me'), did not do any action to wake up. Wakefulness came spontaneously. In the same way, seeing is happening. Before any thought can arise, seeing is happening. However, a thought comes along and translates the natural happening of seeing into the thought "I see". The thought has divided this happening into a subject (I), the action (seeing) and an object (seen). This is the way the mind works. In the same way, Understanding happens spontaneously. There is no question of any entity called 'me' (which does not exist in any case) doing something to make understanding happen. In the same way there is no question of an entity claiming "I understand". There is just Understanding.
THAT Awareness is always present, irrespective of the supposed 'actions' of this entity called 'me'. Just think over this carefully. You are always aware and present.
What action are you doing to beat the heart, or to make the lungs move, or to digest the food, or to make the liver metabolize the food? Is this not happening spontaneously, right now? Yet is it not uncommon in terms of language to say "I am digesting my food"? This is because, the ego believes it IS the body. The ego gives rise to the idea that it is a Do-er of all actions. Hence the quest to 'do some action or practice' to get this Realization. The entity thinks that if he/she does some practice or ritual over some period of time, then "I will get Self Realization". All through, there is nothing but the Self and yet it is ignored.
Having said that, as long as the idea that you are the body/mind entity exists, the above statement that no action is required will not fly. This is almost like a 'catch 22' situation. Hence, the ancient sages insisted on first investigating the very existence of the ego. This is done by asking oneself the question "who am I?" or "where did I come from?". When looked for, the ego is like a ghost which just vanishes and yet functioning continues in the ego-less state. This ego-less state is your state of Pure Beingness or Pure Consciousness. Once there is this understanding, what is there is to be done and by whom?
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