Now, let us explore, who is this "me" or "you"- the individual that we believe ourselves to be. If we are indeed this no-thing, then why do we believe ourselves to be individuals with a notion that we are the one in-charge of all the functioning of this body-mind entity. Further inquiry will reveal that in fact, there is no individual at all. So, this belief is precisely that- a belief-acceptance of an alleged fact without evidence or direct proof thereof. Unless, one does the inquiry on his/her own, there is no way any one else can convince him/her of this fact of non-existence of an individual. One has to constantly and sincerely inquire into the nature of this "me".
This "me" was not present in deep sleep. Then, in the dream state, a different kind of a "me" ( a dream "me") along with the dream world and dream objects and dream functioning appeared. Remember that this dream world includes a "me", a functioning dream subject, who is in the dream and thinks that he/she is doing all the actions. Please understand that the dream world appeared real when it was occurring. On waking up in the morning, the dream world, along with the dream objects, the dream subject (the dream "me" or the individual in the dream) are absorbed back into the mind from where they arose. Meaning, that the dream disappeared. On waking, a new 'dream' has begun. This time, there is a different type of "me"- an individual once again- with a name and form (just like the individual in the dream) who thinks he/she is the controller of the functioning of the body (just like the individual in the dream thought so). We falsely call this waking state the real state, since it appears to be continuous-the same objects appear everyday. However, the fact of constant change in everything in this waking state cannot be denied. We just do not notice the subtle changes occurring at the molecular level of all objects.
After the wakeful state comes the deep sleep state and once again, the world (which we call real!) and the individual "me" are absorbed back into the mind from which they arose. Yet, in all these states of the mind, the deep sleep, the dream state and the waking state, there is no denying that there is one unchanging Awareness/ Existence. Even in the deep sleep, when there is no world or a "me", I still exist! It is clear to anyone that the one who is awake now is the one who was asleep last night.
It becomes clear from the above that the waking state of the mind, creates a world with a subject called "me" and various objects. It is the mind, which is the creator and also the destroyer of this creation. And, this is experienced by all of us every 12 hours or so.
In the waking state, the first knowing is that of being. This beingness appears from that no-thing. Once it is there, this beingness gets translated into a thought "I am". This beingness falsely assumes ownership of this body, giving the impression of being the body-mind entity, a person. With this "I-thought" being established, all other thoughts are assumed to be owned by this "I-thought". This "I-thought" gives rise to the thought of " I am this body". This "I-thought" gives rise to "I am this' or "I am that" or "I am so and so" etc. This "I-thought" is what is known as the ego. The ego is nothing but the concept of being an individual, a "me" who is in-charge of this body-mind entity and who believes is the do-er of all actions. On inquiry into the nature of this "me', one discovers that it has no independence or substance whatsoever apart from this beingness. Meaning that this "me" appears in the waking state and disappears in the deep sleep state and strangely another type of "me" (a whole different personality) appears in the dream state. Yet, the real "I" is the one who is aware of these three states of the mind and does not change or appear and disappear. In the absence of a world or a "me" in deep sleep state, there is still existence. There is no denying that the heart is still beating, the lungs are still moving air in and out, the digestion is still going on and functioning is still happening. But, there are no thoughts and therefore there is no "I-thought" (or a "me"), no body or a world for that matter, and hence there is experience of peace and happiness. Anyone who emerges from deep dreamless sleep will testify to the fact that they "slept happily". Your True Nature is your state of absence of thoughts. In that state of absence of thoughts (as in deep sleep), you are still aware-for on waking up you know you were asleep. This Awareness is your True Nature. You are prior to the thought "I am". In that state of absence of thoughts, what can you say? In that state of absence of thoughts, no questions arise, no question of the presence or absence of a world, of a "me" or a "you", of this discussion, or of this functioning or the absence of functioning. All this discussion is in the mind- a bundle of thoughts- with no existence or substance or independence apart from the no-thing.
Remain as that no-thing.
Still have questions and comments? This author will try and answer them. Do not hesitate to ask. Inquiry is the way to freedom.