Please consider this as the blog for the month of November 2013.
Although the Knowledge of Nonduality and the Truth is freely available and accessible, it is but a few who will ever approach it with a sincere desire. A few curious people may be inclined to dig a little deeper into the subject matter. Most will listen to the teachings of non-duality with a detached interest and then subsequently completely forget about it. Out of the many, perhaps one person may actually feel an unquenchable thirst to not rest until the Truth is realized. Such a one is indeed very rare and fortunate. Such a one may look and behave like any other individual but make no mistake that once one has a conversation with him/her, there is no doubt about the profundity of his/her statements and observations. Only a Jnani will recognize another Jnani immediately. All others will perhaps hear out the Jnani and come away with either nothing or else an observation that the talk was "deep" or "way over my head".
Despite the obvious simplicity of these teachings, one may not comprehend what is being pointed to. The reasons are many, but the main ones are the persistent identification with the body, lack of unquestioned faith and trust in the Guru, lack of a sincere desire, looking for some sort of gain from this Knowledge, feeling of superiority over others even if the knowledge gained is limited, failure to continue to be devoted to the Guru, lack of eternal gratitude to the Guru, lack of humility and lack of compassion for others who may not understand this teaching. Basically, most of these reasons point to the fact that one believes himself or herself to be an entity, a person, despite the repeated explanation by the Guru that you are NOT an entity and all that you really, really are is the limitless Consciousness. Keeping the ego alive and well fed is perhaps a major cause for the Understanding not to occur.
But, the rare one will drop all objections and obstacles to allow for the pointers from the Guru to penetrate deep inside. With continuous nurturing, analysis and meditation over the teachings of the Guru and with a sense of deep gratitude and reverence towards the Guru, the rare one will develop a deep conviction about the Truth. Once, the teaching has taken root, it will continue to grow no matter what one does and does not do. Unlike other kinds of knowledge, this Knowledge of the Truth continues to grow and get stronger. To go around thinking that one is the body and the mind, despite all the instructions and teachings of the Guru is indeed foolish.