Clear Seeing of the Real You

Realize your True Nature Here and Now

Thursday, July 30, 2009

What about Desires?

What exactly is a desire? Where does the desire arise from? These are questions that every seeker wants to be addressed. Of course, if one could get to the very root of the concept of the "me", then all questions are automatically resolved. But for many, this dispelling of the concept of a "me" may not be easy or may not occur immediately on being told about the Truth. Therefore, questions remain and as such must be answered at the level of the questioner.

According to advaita vedanta philosophy, for every individual there are vasanas (there is no English word for this Sanskrit word and the closest word is tendencies). Because of these inherent or innate tendencies(vasanas), one gets a desire, which is nothing but a thought of a want for something or other. This results in agitation of the mind. This agitation of the mind takes over the mind completely. When a desire for a cup of coffee arises, the mind cannot think of any other thoughts as the main thought of coffee overshadows all other thoughts. The mind will not focus on anything else. All that one can think of is 'coffee, coffee, coffee'. This agitation of the mind continues till the desire is fulfilled or some other desire eventually overtakes it. The agitations of the mind results in actions of the body. As soon as the cup of coffee is obtained, the agitation of the mind stops temporarily, till another desire arises! And so the mundane activities of a person continue, driven by desire, which results in agitations of the mind, which in turn results in actions of the body. The person feels like a victim of his/her own desires, completely whipped into action by these desires. The miserable person feels helpless in this never ending cycle of desires.

Let us now analyze as to why the agitations of the mind subside when a desire is fulfilled. When a desire is fulfilled, there is immediate peace or happiness or contentment. In this instance, there are actually no thoughts. When there are no thoughts there is contentment. No thoughts means no desires either. Therefore, there is a state of desireless-ness. In this momentary state of desireless-ness, one is at peace. Therefore, all desires actually bring one back to desireless-ness. This desireless-ness is your True State. It is this desireless-ness which is actually desired by all!! When analyzed properly, one realizes that all desires are actually pointing one back to the desireless state and all desires resolve in that state of desireless-ness. This repeatedly brings one back to question as to who is this 'entity' that actually gets these desires? Do desires exist in deep dreamless sleep state? Obviously not. But you still exist in deep dreamless sleep. So, these desires arise simultaneously with the arising of the "me" or the thought 'I-am" upon waking up in the morning. No 'I-thought', no desires. The 'I-thought' is the root which must be pulled out for the plant of desires to perish. It becomes obvious that unless and until one gets to the bottom of who is this "I", questions will never cease. Upon Realization of the Self, all vasanas dissolve spontaneously.