When one says, I want to Realize or get Self Realization, one is trying to objectify something out there or out here. That would mean there is something or entity apart from you that you are trying to obtain. But, you have been told repeatedly ( for anyone who has been immersed in Advaita philosophy), that you are already what you are looking for. In that case, there are two "I"s or two "me's" or two "you's", one searching for the other. Can there really be two "me's"? Does that not sound strange and illogical? On investigation, you realize that the "me" is a false entity created in the mind. There cannot be two "me's" or "you's". Because only one entity can occupy this body and make it function. Let us see who is in-charge. So, let us see what this "me" is doing in this body. Is this entity called "me" doing any effort to digest the food? Once the food is past the tongue in the mouth, who is "doing" the rest of the work? Who is giving the orders for the stomach to inject the enzymes into the stomach cavity? Who is beating the heart? Who is telling the kidneys to process the blood and remove waste ? Who is the overall Director of Body Functions? If it is a "me", can this "me" please stop the digestion at this moment since it feels like it? You get the point!! When this false "I" (also called the "I-thought" or "me") is investigated and seen to be false and removed the Real "I" comes forth.
The body being the house, two "I's" cannot occupy it at the same time. When the false "I" (the "I- thought" or the "me") is evicted then the Real "I" (or call it God, Awareness, or whatever) surfaces and claims it. As long as the false "I-thought" is occupying the house, the Real "I" just waits in the background, patiently awaiting the eviction of the "I-thought"!!